Classified Shipments and Protective Service

Secure Transport of Sensitive or Classified Shipments for Government and Defense
The United States Government and Department of Defense require the highest level of security possible when transporting classified shipments. Transport professionals handling sensitive or classified shipments must adhere strictly to compliance procedures and provide perpetual surveillance. BEAM Logistics makes available the most experienced, highly-trained and security-vetted drivers to transport classified shipments and provide protective services for the government and the U.S. Department of Defense.
Maintaining a strong compliance with National Industrial Security Program standards regarding the secure transport of sensitive and classified shipments, BEAM Logistics also offers the following Transportation Protective Services for the handling of classified shipments:
- Defense Transportation Tracking System (DTTS)/ DTTS Trailer Tracking Service (DCS)-For closed-loop tracking of sensitive, classified, and high-security risk shipments
- Constant Surveillance Service (CIS) –A transportation protective service utilizing continual visual surveillance provided by a qualified BEAM Logistics transport professional
- Dual Driver Protective Service (DDP) – Protective service provided by two BEAM Logistics drivers who possess secret security clearance
- Protective Security Service (PSS) – A transportation protective service involving the constant attendance/surveillance of sensitive shipments by two specially-licensed and cleared BEAM Logistics drivers.
- Satellite Motor Surveillance Service (SNS)-This protective service offers two-way satellite communication with the DTTS for trailer location tracking
- Security Escort Vehicle (SEV)-BEAM Logistics provides an escort vehicle manned by two drivers who maintain continuous surveillance of a trailer containing sensitive or classified materials

BEAM Logistics’ broad experience handling classified shipments and providing protective services for the government and Department of Defense uniquely qualifies its transportation professionals to transport your sensitive materials. Offering highly secure measures and real-time tracking, BEAM Logistics delivers peace of mind to customers who require visibility for their in-transit sensitive shipment from beginning to end. Contact us today to learn more.