BEAM Logistics Food & Beverage

Transport Solutions for the Food & Beverage Industry
Preserving the integrity and safety of food products during transport requires not only the expertise of transport professionals, but also careful coordination and cooperation among transport providers and the various parties involved in the food & beverage industry. Every aspect of food transport—from carrying and loading to shipping and receiving—requires a thorough understanding of the responsibilities required to safely transport food products. The transportation professionals at BEAM Logistics possess the knowledge, experience, equipment, and technology to provide uncompromising excellence in food & beverage transport.
Meeting FSMA Requirements for FDA Transport Compliance
The FDA requires that certain standards be met during food & beverage transport to safeguard food safety. BEAM Logistics ensures all FDA equipment and operational requirements are met while performing food & beverage transport, particularly those related to the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). BEAM Logistics ensures the following hygienic transportation practices are implemented:
- Food products are appropriately packed
- Trailer validated temperature control maintains appropriate food temperatures
- Trailers and transport vehicles are food-grade and sanitary
- Shipments are preserved from contamination and cross-contamination
- Food products are not exposed to compromising exterior elements
- Food products are shipped to their destinations in an efficient and timely manner
- Transport professionals are appropriately trained for safe food & beveragetransport

BEAM Logistics’ state-of-the-art transportation management system and real-time tracking technology offers food & beverage clients peace of mind while their products are in transport.
- Real-time tracking promotes visibility into product temperature, stability, and safety
- 24/7 live monitoring of product location and route progress
- Real-time transit alerts allow for immediate remediation efforts
The transport professionals at BEAM Logistics possess the expertise and logistical know-how to get your food products to their destination quickly and efficiently while meeting the highest standards for safe food & beverage transport. To learn more, contact us today.