BEAM Logistics Inc

Cross-Border Shipments

Cross-border shipments require due diligence and careful logistical planning by transport professionals. BEAM Logistics ensures your cross-border goodsmove smoothly and securely between the United States and Canada, keeping you in the loop about the status of your shipment and providing real-time, end-to-end visibility. BEAM Logistics’ transport experts are seasoned in the logistics of cross-border shipments and are equipped to stave off delays, turn-aways, or other potential cross-border issues. BEAM Logistics provides cross-border shipmentof goods and services to the following industries:

  • Life Sciences and Pharmaceutical
  • Food & Beverage
  • Manufacturing and Industrial
  • Automotive and Aviation
  • Hi-tech and Automation
  • Government and Defense

Comprehensive Documentation for Efficient Cross-Border Shipments

BEAM Logistics’ broad documentation for cross-border transport between the U.S. and Canada is a key element in mitigating cross-border shipment issues. This documentation facilitates processing and helps to diminish customs issues and cross-border delays for efficient transport and cost savings. BEAM Logistics’ documentation for cross-border shipment facilitation includes the following approvals/compliance:

  • Automatic Commercial Environment (ACE)/Department of Home Security (DHS
  • United States Customs and Border Protection (U.S. CBP)
  • Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)
  • Free and Secure Trade program (FAST)
  • Customs Self-Assessment (CSA)
  • Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT)
  • Partners in Protection (PIP)
  • ACI transmissions
Long-Distance, Cross-Border Temperature-Control Services

Utilizing validated temperature control as part of its cold chain logistics, BEAM Logistics ensures the preservation of temperature-sensitive cargo for cross-border shipment.

Transport Management and Real-Time Tracking for Cross-Border Shipments

BEAM Logistics’ advanced technology—including a high-tech transportation management system and real-time tracking—provides end-to-end visibility into the progress, status, and security of cross-border shipments.

BEAM Logistics understands the complexities of cross-border shipments and relies on its extensive experience to ensure a smooth transit of your cargo back and forth across the border. To discover more about BEAM Logistics’ cross-border shipments, contact us today.