BEAM Logistics Inc

Expedited Service

Meeting Your Deadlines, Safely and Securely

For customers in need of secure shipment delivery within a tight timeframe, BEAM Logistics offers expedited service. Staffed by highly-trained and experienced transport specialist and supported by a state-of-the-art transportation management system as well as real-time tracking technology, the BEAM Logistics expedited service team is dedicated to providing high-quality, reliable, expedited service shipments throughout the continental United States as well as Eastern Canada.

Dependable, Door-to-Door Expedited Service

BEAM Logistics possesses both the resources and the expert workforce necessary to prioritize your time-sensitive shipment. Paying special attention to the type and size of your cargo, to its unique safety and security transport requirements, and to travel distance and weather conditions, BEAM Logistics assures your shipment arrives on time. Industries that benefit from BEAM Logistics’ Expedited Services include the following:

  • Life Sciences and Pharmaceutical
  • Government and Defense
  • Food Services
  • Critical Parts for Industrial, Automotive, and Aviation
  • Hi-tech and Automation

Experienced Transport Professionals

BEAM Logistics accomplishes expedited services for its customers through the use of seasoned Transport Specialist trained to perform safe, urgent transport. Through the exclusive use of BEAM Logistics’ high-tech fleet tracked by operations experts, these Transport Specialists ensure expedited and sensitive shipments make their way safely from door to door. BEAM Logistics’ experienced staff provides 24/7 coverage for expedited service.

Need next-day expedited service? BEAM Logistics offers two-man trailer teams capable of getting your urgent shipment across 1,000 miles for next-day service.

Supported by Advanced Transport and Tracking Technology

BEAM Logistics utilizes the latest in transport technology to ensure your expedited shipment is on schedule:

  • Hi-Tech Transportation Management System-Decreases the chances for delays and damage to urgent shipments
  • Real-time Tracking Technology-Offers immediate, end-to-end visibility of urgent shipments in transit, sharing date related to location and cargo condition

Even on short notice, BEAM Logistics makes the safe and timely transport of your urgent cargo its number one priority. To discover more about our expedited and next-day services, contact us today.