BEAM Logistics Inc

BEAM Logistics Life Sciences

As the demand for innovative and specialized therapies and devices escalates within the life sciences industry, supply chains for life sciences products grow in complexity. Transport logistics providers that can securely transport sensitive life sciences products have become critical to this supply chain. As an expert logistics service provider, BEAM Logistics is dedicated to safely and effectively fulfilling transport needs for products and devices across the spectrum of the life sciences Industry, including:

  • Biotechnology
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Medical Devices
  • Cell and Gene Therapy
  • Clinical Trial Logistics

Time and Temperature-Sensitive Life Sciences Shipments

From vaccines, biologics, and pharmaceutical drugs to cell and gene therapies, clinical trial materials, and medical devices, BEAM Logistics has the specialized expertise to transport vital life sciences products safely and efficiently. Through the seamless integration of advanced technology and highly-trained professionals, BEAM Logistics upholds the integrity of crucial life sciences products by the achievement of validated temperature control and cold chain logistics. BEAM Logistics’ real-time tracking and end-to-end visibility into all life sciences products in transit ensure shipments meet all handling and temperature requirements and remain stable throughout transport.

Learn About BEAM Logistics’ Pharmaceutical Storage

Strict Security Guidelines for High Value Life Sciences Shipments

BEAM Logistics is highly experienced in handling high-value life sciences products for transport, and implements a number of strict guidelines to ensure shipment security. Among our security protocols include wide-ranging employee background checks, TSA certification and compliance, and the use of state-of-the-art security technology.

Specialized Handling and Transport of Hazardous Life Sciences Materials

From its transport of cytotoxic drugs to infectious and biological material, BEAM Logistics relies on a lengthy track record of safely providing specialized handling and successful transport of hazardous materials related to life sciences.

BEAM Logistics’ transport specialists hold themselves to the highest standards to support the life sciences industry across the range of their transport needs. Contact us today to learn more.