BEAM Logistics Inc

Classified shipments and their challenges

Understanding the Complexities of Classified Shipments and How to Navigate Them

Classified shipments refer to the transportation of products designated as confidential, sensitive, or classified by the government or any other organization. Logistics providers must adhere to strict regulations that are much more complex than standard shipments.

BEAM Logistics offers a wide range of Transportation Protective Services for handling classified shipments, including:

  • Defense Transportation Tracking System (DTTS)
  • Constant Surveillance Service (CIS)
  • Dual Drive Protective Service (DDP)
  • Protective Security Services (PSS)
  • Satellite Motor Surveillance Service (SNS)
  • Security Escort Vehicle (SEV)

All these services allow BEAM Logistics to easily and seamlessly navigate the complexities of classified shipments. Let’s examine some of the complexities involved in classified shipments.

Obtaining Security Clearance

Handling classified shipments requires you to first obtain security clearance from the government. Depending on the organization or government, this process could be time-consuming and may take as long as several months because of background checks (that include credit checks, criminal history, and character references).

This is why it is recommended to start the security clearance process at the earliest to minimize any delays in transporting the product. BEAM Logistics provides Dual Driver Protective Service (DDP), where two logistics drivers with security clearance protect the classified shipment.

Appropriate Packaging of the Classified Product

 Appropriate packaging of classified shipment

All classified shipments are required to be labeled and packaged according to extremely strict guidelines (far more complex than what is required for regular products). This is done to ensure that the products are transported safely and securely. Each package is labeled and packaged according to its classification level.

It is recommended for organizations seek help from experts to appropriately package and label their classified shipments before transporting them.

Only Authorized Carriers Will Transport Classified Shipments

For obvious reasons, the transportation of classified shipments must only be done by carriers that are authorized to do so. It is also worth noting that the transport process would involve a detailed plan that includes the specific route, stops, and other details related to the delivery.

It is recommended to work with a carrier with experience in transporting classified shipments, such as BEAM Logistics. You should provide the carrier with as many details about the travel itinerary related to the classified shipments as possible.

Use of Secure Facilities

Carriers must use security facilities that align with strict regulatory requirements as outlined by the government. These security facilities must be protected around the lock to prevent unauthorized access. For example, BEAM Logistics utilizes Constant Surveillance Service (CIS), providing continual visual surveillance by a qualified transport professional with years of experience.


It is essential to maintain communication when transporting classified shipments. You must ensure that all stakeholders, including the carrier and the security clearance authority, are kept in the loop regarding the shipment’s status, including any changes to its planned route and itinerary.

BEAM Logistics provides Satellite Motor Surveillance Service (SNS) that provides two-way communication for constant tracking.

Wrapping Up

So there you have it, an in-depth look at the complexities involved in classified shipments and how BEAM Logistics navigate them. For more information, get in touch with BEAM Logistics here.