BEAM Logistics Inc

Cold Chain Logistics

The transport specialists at BEAM Logistics are experts at navigating the complexities of cold chain logistics. By utilizing advanced tracking technology and a high-tech transportation management system, BEAM Logistics’ cold chain protocols meet every demand for temperature maintenance, accurate shipment timing, and dependable data collection at each stage of the cold chain logistics transport service.

  • Pharmaceutical
  • Biologics
  • Clinical Trials
  • Cell & Gene Therapy
  • Medical Devices
  • Food & Beverage

The transport specialists at BEAM Logistics are experts at navigating the complexities of cold chain logistics. Utilizing advanced tracking technology and a high-tech transportation management system, BEAM Logistics’ cold chain protocols meet every demand for temperature maintenance, accurate shipment timing, and dependable data collection at each stage of the transport process.

  • Temperature Maintenance: Each BEAM Logistics trailer is outfitted with cutting-edge temperature sensors that secure validated temperature control and provide full-trailer temperature monitoring throughout transport for temperatures ranging from -30°C to 50°C.
  • Accurate Shipment Timing: Through sophisticated tracking telematics, BEAM Logistics has real-time access to transport insights that can allow immediate intervention should any routing problems arise. BEAM utilizes a state-of-the-art transportation management system that provides customers with real-time visibility into the transport of their products.
  • Dependable Data Collection: BEAM Logistics customers are provided with cloud-based, comprehensive shipment reports showing all cold chain logistics data throughout a product’s transport.

Effective cold chain logistics is a high-stakes operation, and one that is paramount to preserving the stability and integrity of sensitive products. BEAM Logistics’ highly trained transport professionals draw on extensive product handling experience to provide unparalleled transport service. Employing the highest quality control protocols and the latest tracking technology, BEAM Logistics meets rigorous criteria for validated temperature control and cold chain logistics. With BEAM Logistics’ real-time visibility into your product’s transport, you can rest assured that all temperature control measures and transport logistics are being met every step of the way. Contact us for more information.

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